• Question: Do believe in God

    Asked by anon-375829 on 23 Nov 2023.
    • Photo: Octavia Brayley

      Octavia Brayley answered on 23 Nov 2023:

      I personally don’t have a religion and I don’t believe in God. But I think it’s really important to respect other people’s beliefs and views! This is especially true as a scientist because you work and meet people from many different countries, backgrounds, and religious beliefs, which I really enjoy!

    • Photo: Ian McKinley

      Ian McKinley answered on 23 Nov 2023:

      Personally, I don’t believe in a God but, as there is no logical way that I can justify my decision, I have no problems with others who believe differently. If you do your best to be good, whether it is because of religion, ethics or just the way that you are, then I think that you are going in the right direction.
      There is a difference between belief in God, which can help many people, and science, which can help us all. Science works, even if you don’t believe in it.

    • Photo: Jonathan Allen

      Jonathan Allen answered on 24 Nov 2023:

      Yes, I believe in God. It is a subject I give a lot of thought to, because many people cannot understand how I can accept the Big Bang Theory as the start of the universe and believe in God at the same time. But I believe that the two can exist together and, in fact, a belief in God helps me to accept some of the amazing things that the world and life creates. In my view, God is the ultimate scientist!

    • Photo: Amy Stockwell

      Amy Stockwell answered on 24 Nov 2023:

      No I don’t. I am an atheist. I think that if there is a god, that he/she is a horrible person to allow so much suffering in the world.
      But I am interested in other’s beliefs and views and have friends from a variety of religious backgrounds. I am jealous that if you go to a church/mosque/temple etc you have a ready made community of friends and the comfort that it can bring in tough times.

    • Photo: Hazel Jeffery

      Hazel Jeffery answered on 24 Nov 2023:

      I don’t believe in God, I’m a humanist. this sentence from the Humanists UK sums up how I feel about life ‘We make sense of the world through logic, reason, and evidence, and always seek to treat those around us with warmth, understanding, and respect.’ i do find it fascinating to learn about different religions, which generally have led to a good moral way of living.

    • Photo: Ollie Thomas

      Ollie Thomas answered on 28 Nov 2023:

      Since I can’t say it more elegantly than them I’ll just say I completely agree with Octavia and Ian

    • Photo: Andrew Lyon

      Andrew Lyon answered on 29 Nov 2023:

      My initial thought is which one?

      I don’t believe in the traditional view of god as a person. I do however think that life is full of wonder and mystery that we cannot fully understand or describe adequately with words.

      Science and religion are essentially doing the same thing, both are trying to explain this mystery. The main difference is whether there is the control of a creator in the case of religion or whether it’s more down to accident / chance in the case of science.

      There is no right or wrong answer, a person’s beliefs are often influenced by things like life experiences, what makes sense to them or how they can make sense of the world. It’s important that we accept and understand that people have different beliefs.
