• Question: hello, out of all the things that you do which is your favorite and which one do you hate the most

    Asked by anon-373816 on 9 Nov 2023. This question was also asked by anon-371799, anon-375417.
    • Photo: Octavia Brayley

      Octavia Brayley answered on 9 Nov 2023: last edited 9 Nov 2023 10:57 pm

      The best part about my job is that it’s very different every day. When you’re a researcher, you have a general idea of what you want to find out and achieve, but science very rarely works in a straight line- there are usually lots of unexpected things that happen along the way. Which I find really exciting. Doing a Ph.D. also means that I am investigating something that nobody else has in the world, so I become a world expert in my field. I also get to combine my research with public engagement (that’s how I got to be on this platform) and teaching which I find incredibly rewarding as I love inspiring people to get into science. I’m an Antarctic researcher, so I will be going to Antarctica in 2024 which is probably the best bit about my job! Finally, I also get to present my research at lots of international conferences and publish my work in scientific journals, which sometimes adds a more creative element to my work and allows me to network and collaborate with lots of other scientists. So in summary, there are lots of elements that I consider to be the best bits about my job.
      I don’t really hate any part of my job, but I’d say that sometimes it can be a bit lonely working in my lab. Many labs are very busy with big research groups, but there are very few people studying Antarctic insects…in fact, I’m the only one (along with my two supervisors) in the UK. This also means that I have to solve problems on my own, but that can be a good thing too. I also don’t like writing applications for funding! As a scientist, you often have to apply for pots of money for research and travel etc., and those applications can take a veryyyy long time.

    • Photo: Ian McKinley

      Ian McKinley answered on 10 Nov 2023:

      At present, I find work involved with the clean-up of the Fukushima site especially interesting. However I find all technical work (and teaching) fun.
      What I hate is administration – sorting out payments, taxes and stuff like that. Luckily, my wife does most of this!

    • Photo: Jonathan Allen

      Jonathan Allen answered on 10 Nov 2023:

      I love being able to go out on a nuclear power station and interact with bits of equipment, planning what I can do to fix them and then getting to do that and see the results. I also like giving the reactor a hug when I walk past – it’s nice and warm! The only thing I hate about my work is that fact I have to wake up at 07:00 every weekday morning – I wish the job could start a little later so I can have a lie in!

    • Photo: Andrew Lyon

      Andrew Lyon answered on 10 Nov 2023:

      I really like how there is a lot variety in my job which could be working at home, visiting an industrial site or travelling to attend a meeting or talking with people. There are also lots of opportunities to learn and do new things.

      Things like sorting emails and filling in forms are much less interesting but they are still an important part of my job so I still make sure that I do them!

    • Photo: Amy Stockwell

      Amy Stockwell answered on 10 Nov 2023:

      My favourite part is talking to clients and helping them to understand the world of environmental impacts and how they can improve their products. I find it such an interesting subject that I want everyone to learn about it!

      Least favourite is probably paperwork. I work in a very small company, so there isn’t too much of it. But we need to plan projects, update managers on progress and make sure the bills get paid.
