• Question: whats the difference between plantaons and banananas

    Asked by anon-376446 on 27 Nov 2023.
    • Photo: Octavia Brayley

      Octavia Brayley answered on 27 Nov 2023: last edited 27 Nov 2023 3:25 pm

      A plantain is generally larger than a banana. Below are a few differences between the two:

      They look distinctly different:

      Both fruits have thick outer peels that start green, turn yellow as they ripen, and turn dark brown to black once they’re overripe.
      However, plantains are much thicker, tougher, and bigger than bananas. We may need a knife to peel a plantain.
      Plantains also take way longer to go from green to black than bananas.
      Plantain leaves are similar in shape to the soles of shoes, whereas banana leaves are more tubular and longer.
      On maturity, bananas are yellow and about 6-inch long, whereas plantains are green or black and approximately 12-inch long.
      The main physical difference between plantains and greens bananas is that plantains have narrow and elongated ends that seem pointy, whereas green bananas have short, rounded ends.


      Rather than being soft and sweet when ripe, plantains are starchy.
      In flavor and texture, they’re more similar to yucca, yams, or potatoes than they are to bananas.
      Plantains do get slightly sweeter as they ripen (and can caramelize when cooked once overripe) but never lose their vegetal flavor.
      Bananas are usually considered sweet compared with plantains, and they can be eaten raw.
      Plantains are thick and starchy; hence, they need to be cooked before they’re consumed.
      Bananas are very delicious when they’re ripe and yellow.
      However, plantains have multiple popular uses when underripe, ripe, and even overripe.
      For instance, tostones (aka plantain fritters, a common Latin side dish) are always made from green, underripe plantains, whereas maduros (caramelized sweet plantains, a Latin dish that translates to “mature”) are always made with ripe or overripe plantains.

      Culinary uses:

      Because bananas are sweet, they’re commonly found in baked goods and desserts, as well as consumed raw in dishes such as smoothies, oatmeal, and peanut butter sandwiches or fruit salads.
      Plantains, although they’re fruits, are more similar to vegetables in terms of how they’re used. They’re usually eaten as a side dish after being boiled, fried, or baked.
      In Latin and African countries, as well as the Caribbean, plantains are a major staple of culinary traditions and appear in many recipes. In their native lands, a plantain is usually treated more like a vegetable than a fruit when cooked and is often found baked, roasted, or fried into a tasty, savory side dish.
      Bananas are higher in sugar, whereas plantains are slightly higher in calories and carbs than bananas, and those numbers tend to climb once they’re cooked.

    • Photo: Ian McKinley

      Ian McKinley answered on 27 Nov 2023:

      I have eaten both, but more often bananas, eaten raw. Plantains I have eaten mainly in the Caribbean, cooked. I like them both – a lot.

    • Photo: Jonathan Allen

      Jonathan Allen answered on 28 Nov 2023:

      Great answers from Octavia and Ian – now I know something new about this! 🙂
