• Question: How does History play into what you have seen.

    Asked by anon-371259 to Octavia on 15 Nov 2023.
    • Photo: Octavia Brayley

      Octavia Brayley answered on 15 Nov 2023: last edited 15 Nov 2023 11:12 pm

      Thanks for your question! Humans first started causing changes to the climate during the Industrial Revolution in about 1760-1840. This is when we started burning fossil fuels, causing a lot of pollution and increasing the temperature. As a scientist, I often see and read information about animals becoming extinct and habitats being destroyed because of climate change and other human activities like deforestation. So what we have done throughout history definitely plays into what I see now. The species of insect I am researching in Antarctica was accidentally moved from one island to another island in the 1960s by scientists and I’m now trying to understand what effect it’s having on the new island. So that’s another example of something that humans have done previously that has changed the way things are now. But I may be misinterpreting your question! Let me know if you have anything else you’d like to ask 🙂

      Here’s a cool video to watch:
