• Question: How much money do you make?

    Asked by anon-374206 on 13 Nov 2023. This question was also asked by anon-371825, anon-374838.
    • Photo: Jonathan Allen

      Jonathan Allen answered on 13 Nov 2023:

      My salary is £70,000 per year. I have worked up that salary over the past 10 years. People joining my company after finishing university start on £35,000 per year.

    • Photo: Octavia Brayley

      Octavia Brayley answered on 13 Nov 2023:

      I’m still a student, but I am doing a PhD which is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council, so I do get a salary. It’s tax-free and is about £17,000 each year, which really isn’t much money in a cost of living crisis! I supplement my income by also teaching part-time each week for about 6 hours and this gives me an extra £6000 or so per year which really helps. Once I finish my PhD, I’m aiming for a salary of about £50,000. Science salaries vary enormously and staying in academia like I have, is not always the best financially, however, I will have the top qualifications for getting a different high-paid job in the future if I want to.

    • Photo: Ian McKinley

      Ian McKinley answered on 13 Nov 2023:

      I earn quite a lot of money – but I work in Switzerland, where everyone is very well paid and the cost of living is high.
      Before I retired, as a consultant, income varied a bit but, on average, I earned about 200,000 Swiss Francs / year. However, I have to cover costs like health insurance and pension payments – plus all office costs and travel, including maybe 3 or 4 times / year to Japan.
      I am now retired with a good pension, but still do a bit of consulting and teaching and so maybe earn another 50,000 Swiss Francs / year.

    • Photo: Amy Stockwell

      Amy Stockwell answered on 13 Nov 2023:

      I work 4 days per week and earn £36 000 and get 5 weeks holiday. I’ve been working for nearly 20 years.
      I work for a small company which can’t afford to pay me much more. If I worked for a bigger company then I could get more pay, bonuses and better holiday. But I really enjoy my job and being happy is a priority (as long as I am paid enough to pay the bills!)

    • Photo: Paula McMahon

      Paula McMahon answered on 14 Nov 2023:

      More than average wage

    • Photo: Andrew Lyon

      Andrew Lyon answered on 16 Nov 2023:

      I earn around £45,000 a year. The Environment Agency is a large employer, there are around 10,000 staff who work here. There are a range of jobs and salaries from £25,000 for a graduate or Environment Officer (inspects waste sites, farms, responds to pollution incidents) to £70 – 80,000 for a nuclear inspector.
