• Question: what animal do you think is more interesting to go further into for the degree

    Asked by anon-373176 to Octavia on 7 Nov 2023.
    • Photo: Octavia Brayley

      Octavia Brayley answered on 7 Nov 2023:

      There’s definitely not one answer to this! It really depends on what you’re interested in. For example, you could become a marine biologist and research all the amazing species living in our oceans. Or, you could become an entomologist like me and study insects. Then of course there are terrestrial (land) animals, ornithology (the study of birds), or even the study of microscopic life like bacteria and viruses. There’s also paleontology which is the study of dinosaurs and other ancient forms of life…studying those species can improve our understanding of evolution and the history of life. You can even study astrobiology now which is the study of potential life and organisms on other planets! It’s all about finding the area that you’re most interested in. I studied Zoology at university which meant I could study a range of different animals and topics before deciding what area I would specialise in later on!
